The faculty of Homeopathic Science of the Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University, Jaipur, India had organized an Internal Virtual Conference on “Advancement in Homoeopathic Research including Clinical Trials, Laboratory Research & Case Studies” on May 26 and May 27, 2023. Vijay Vaishnav of Homeopathic Healing was the Keynote Speaker at the conference.
As the keynote speaker, he spoke about some of the difficult pathological cases that he had treated in the very early years of his homeopathy practice with the aim of inspiring the present generation of students and fresh graduates to tackle challenging and difficult cases with confidence.
He described three different types of cases where he used three different approaches- acute prescribing, constitutional prescribing and prescribing a specific and a ‘rare’ homeopathic remedy.
The acute case was of a boy with surgical emphysema of the neck due to a ruptured emphysematous bulla in the lung which was an acute emergency and the remedy Bryonia helped the case. The serial X rays showed complete resolution of the problem- all within one week!
A case of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) was then described with serial color doppler studies showing a complete recanalization and resolution of the clot in the leg veins. Here the remedy Calcarea fluor was given as a constitutional remedy.
The last case was a person who had a tuberculoma in the brain where the CT scan showed how the tuberculous lesions completely regressed with only homeopathic treatment. A ‘rare’ and specific remedy for this condition – Iodoform was prescribed for this person.
You can see watch a recording of this session below.
For homeopathic consultation for your symptoms you may visit Homeopathic Healing or send an e-mail to office@drvaishnav.com to meet the Homeopathic Specialists.
Please note: A detailed history followed by constitutional treatment by a good and qualified homeopathic practitioner is necessary to treat the complaints that appear due to any disease. The homeopathic remedies mentioned in this post and video and elsewhere on this blog are for informational purposes only. The information contained on this site is general in nature and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other health care professional. None of the statements on this site are an endorsement of any particular product, or a recommendation as to how to treat any particular disease or health-related condition. It is not advisable to resort to self-medication for any disease.
Disclaimer: Daxa Vaishnav and Vijay Vaishnav are licensed and registered homeopathic physicians in India and are not licensed physicians in the State of California. They are providing services under Sections 2053.5 and 2053.6 of California’s Business and Professions Code, subject to requirements and restrictions. The nature of the services provided by them involves an interview to gather the information needed, analysis of this information, recommendation of a homeopathic remedy and assessment of the action of the remedy at follow up consultations. Their services are alternative or complementary to healing arts services licensed by the State of California, are therefore limited in scope, and not a substitute for medical supervision and advice. If you suspect you have a disease or health-related condition of any kind, you should contact your health care professional immediately. Please consult with a health care professional before starting any diet, exercise, supplementation or medication program.