Everything about Homeopathy

Scientific Practice of Homeopathy

Homeopathically ‘developed’ nations like India can be the shining light and show the world how important this system of medicine is in health care. Having taught scientific homeopathy full time in India for about 25 years and with over 33 years of clinical experience in practice, we have seen the scientific aspect of homeopathy in its full glory

Choose Homeopathy for Respiratory Illnesses

There is not one person in this world who can truthfully claim that they have never suffered from some sort of acute or chronic respiratory disorder. Homeopathy is a system of therapeutics that is known to work for all types of respiratory conditions- from simple colds and allergies to sinusitis, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and even pneumonias. This is because homeopathic remedies modifiy the immune system and makes the body less sensitive to the allergens and also stimulates a defense mechanism against bugs like viruses and bacteria.