Everything about Homeopathy

Can bugs determine our behavior?

I chanced upon this article in The Economist of September 3rd-9th 2011 which talks about the experiments performed on rodents and suggests that bacteria dwelling in the gut can affect the brain, and thereby influence an individual’s mood and behavior.
This idea is not new at all. Homeopaths have been aware of the effect of the bowel flora on the health for almost a hundred years. This was first highlighted by John Paterson in the early 1900s.
It is heartening to note that what was published by a homeopath in the early 20th century is being confirmed by modern day researchers.

Homeopathy in PMS

Mrs. ABC, 35 years old, came to me complaining of extreme swings in her mood, introspection and suicidal thoughts…………
One can label a person as suffering from PMS if a group of symptoms recurs in the same fashion and is relieved with the appearance of the menses.
Constitutional treatment by a good and qualified homeopath will surely help in PMS.