Everything about Homeopathy

Homeopathy for Coma and Neurological disorders

Skilled and professionally trained homeopaths are often called to help in certain difficult conditions. Neurological conditions like coma come under this category of illnesses. A scientific and clinical approach to the care of these conditions is the capability that a homeopath must possess.

PCOS? Yes! Homeopathy can help!!

PCOS or Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, is usually thought to be a life time female hormonal imbalance where maturing eggs fail to be expelled from the ovary, creating an ovary filled with immature follicles (somewhat misleadingly called cysts). Daxa Vaishnav has helped a lot of young girls and women suffering from PCOS. The periods become regular and those whose infertility issues are due to this condition have been able to conceive naturally with a little help from homeopathy.